Thursday, December 3, 2015

New England Aquarium

The New England Aquarium in Boston is the perfect place to go for a family day out no matter what time of year it is. With endless attractions to do and see, you will not be disappointed and won't have to worry about wondering what else to plan into your day. 

The Exhibits include; 

The Giant Ocean Tank; 
 - The four story tank it home to hundreds of different sea animals including Sea turtles, Stingrays, Eels and a huge variety of Caribbean fish and reef animals.  

Sea Turtle Hospital; 
- The Aquarium is the global leader in saving the endangered Turtles. It allows visitors to interact with replica Sea Turtles and learn what it takes to save the endangered species. You can listen to the heartbeat of a cold-stunned Sea Turtle which was just rescued from a beach in Cape Cod.  

Yawkey Coral Reef Center; 
- At the top of the Giant Ocean Tank, a glass railing maximizes everyone’s view of many of the predators swimming high in the water column. Visitors can now easily recognize creatures resting on the tank’s bottom more than 24 feet below. 

The Trust Family Foundation Shark and Ray Touch Tank;  
The Trust Family Foundation Shark and Ray Touch Tank features sharks and rays in a mangrove-themed tank surrounded by shallow edges and viewing windows, allowing visitors to experience a close encounter with these animals. Visitors reach out and gently stroke cownose rays, Atlantic rays and epaulette sharks as they swim gracefully through the crystal clear water.

Edge of the sea; 
Pet a star fish, meet a lobster, cradle a hermit crab in the palm of your hand. 

Blue Planet Action Center; 
- The exhibit highlights three aspects of Aquarium expertise: the impacts of climate change and ocean acidification on corals, threats facing the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale and efforts to protect seafood resources through sustainable fishing practices.

New Balance Foundation Marine Mammal Center; 
- Here you can watch California sea lions dart through the water and limber Northern fur seals lope in this beautiful open air exhibit space. 

Pacific Reef Community; 
- Take a look into the tropical waters of  a Pacific Coral Reef and gain an insight into what one would usually look like. You can also get a close look at many of the rainbow-colored fish that live in that habitat.  

There are only two species of seadragon in the world, and this stunning exhibit displays both of them. The leafy seadragon and the weedy seadragon both use their exceptional camouflage to hide from hungry predators.

Penguins;  (Personally my favorite part of the Aquarium)
- The Aquarium is home to more than 80 penguins who live in a bustling colony found on Level 1 surrounding the Giant Ocean Tank.

Atlantic Harbor Seals;  
- The harbor seals exhibit is the only exhibit you can actually visit before you buy your Aquarium ticket. Watch the seals swim, play and sleep, and learn more about them during a free training session.

Amazon Rainforest;  
Take an expedition to the Amazon rainforest without having to jet off in a plane away form Boston. The New England Aquarium’s six Amazon exhibits allow you to dive into the Amazon River and climb through the dense forest without getting wet or needing bug spray and being able to stay a safe comfortable distance away from what could be some of your biggest fears.

Gulf of Marine; 
The Gulf of Maine stretches from Cape Cod to Canada and includes Boston Harbor and Stellwagen Bank. The water is cold but bursting with life. As you explore exhibits ranging from shore to deep-water boulder reefs and sandy seafloors, you will meet lobsters, cod, goosefish and giant star fish.

 The Aquarium offers a range of different entry prices;

Discounts are also available to groups of 10+, Students with a valid student card and teachers. Visitors who are using a wheel chair and people who are visually impaired are welcomed into the Aquarium free of charge. 
Aquarium members also gain free entry, discounts at the IMAX and Whale watch tickets. 


1 Central Wharf
MA 02110

Very short walk from the Blue line Aquarium T Station

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